At Ross Medical we are happy to discuss health screening and disease prevention with patients.
These might include a thorough history, blood pressure check, weight analysis, and a physical examination.
We also provide Well Man and Well Women checks which are comprehensive assessments provided by both a nurse and a doctor.
If you wish to discuss any of the above, please make an appointment with a doctor by calling 064 6632488.
Bowel Screen
Bowel Screen is the National Bowel Screening Programme. Bowel screening can detect changes in the bowel before cancer develops. It can also detect cancer at an early stage, making it more treatable.
BowelScreen offers a free home test to men and women aged 60 to 69 every two years. The quick and easy-to-use test is non-invasive and can be done in your own home. Please visit HTTPS://WWW.BOWELSCREEN.IE for more information and to register for this programme.
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